Monday, May 31, 2010


Wishing everyone a great Memorial Day. It's hot but beautiful today, so I'm doing my best to keep cool.

Keeping cool is not something I'm actually suited for today, however, because yesterday I was on the front page of Etsy for an hour, in the citruscitrus Treasury.  *flails quietly*

I had my doubts about the front page being all that influential in the grand scheme of things. But... *flails*

It's not. It's really, really not. The front page is brilliant and incredible. That one skein of yarn had a jump of over 200 views in that hour, and then sold within a few minutes of the Treasury switching over to the next one.

Heartfelt thanks for everyone who puts Treasuries together. I know they're hard work, because I've contemplated assembling one and been totally stalled by the sheer scale of the task. But OMG, it's been a very OMG kind of weekend to end a very OMG kind of year. 

OK, back to the knitting. I have a baby hat and some ice cream cozies to make before I can do anything else.  And when it cools down, I have to wind some yarn. :)

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